Welcome to SCIDES
Creating Connections in All Directions
We are thrilled that you found your way to our website. Here you will find a full range of courses ranging from kindergarten to grade 12 and beyond. Programs and courses are FREE for BC residents; tuition fees only apply for international students and may apply for some courses for adults who have already graduated.
The Elementary Program at SCIDES follows the BC Ministry of Education curriculum. Of course, it also includes a variety of resources for all levels of support. Grades K-7 Programs are free of charge to BC residents, because SCIDES is an accredited BC public school.
Middle School
Our teachers will work with you on incorporating your passions (like dance, drama, theatre, entrepreneurship, media arts, metal work, and power technology) into personalized elective courses, to both fulfill curricular requirements and ignite the spark for deeper learning and understanding.
Secondary Education
New courses include French 8/9, Vet 11, Programming 11, Cosmetology 12, and Hospitality and Tourism 12, providing relevant and hands-on experience for a possible future career.
Literacy Foundations
For adult students who have significant skill and knowledge gaps and who need to upgrade skills to be successful at the Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses in preparation for both employment and further studies.