February 2025 - Grade 1 program is full for this year and closed to new enrollments.


The SCIDES K-7 Elementary program provides students with a British Columbia Ministry of Education approved public school education.

Our program offers a superb educational experience for all students including those:

  • Wishing to complete their education at home
  • Unable to attend school
  • Traveling
  • With challenging schedules (athletes, performers, etc.)


A person is eligible to enroll in the Grade 1 Elementary Online Learning program provided they:

  • Are at least school-age (6 years of age by December 31st of the current year)
  • Must have a dedicated adult at home to act as a home-facilitator and communicator with the school.  Regular communication is critical to success.

An overview of our Grade 1 program:

Your teacher will work with you to review and understand the learning standards in each curricular subject area for the school year.

Students are expected to finish all of their courses by early June so that they are equipped for the next year of study and there is time to prepare the final report card before summer break.