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Master of Your Own Destiny

Master of Your Own Destiny


We're into the second month of the new school year and are starting to settle into a new normal. Even though we're not able to accept any registrations from students outside of School District 58, we're here for you on our blog to share information and inspiration. This month's theme is "Master of your Own Destiny" and we have found great content for you.

October Resources

Blogs and Articles

6 Signs That You're Already the Master of Your Own Destiny - use this as an article to define what being the master of your own destiny could look like in your own life and set goals to work towards it. Read it here:
What does being the master of your own destiny even mean and what can it mean to you? Here are some insights and definitions, and questions to ponder:
The next post provides some hands-on advice on how to move towards living your own life and being true to yourself, and what to do when you falter along the way:


This podcast talks about the power of gratitude and about the importance of establishing a practice of gratitude to move towards increasing happiness and content, which is of course linked to living your best life and directing your own fate.

This Human Experience podcast episode offers an interesting insight - you may not know what it will look like to be the master of your own destiny, but you know what it feels like not to be. Use this feeling as motivation to move towards a life where you call the shots.

Another interesting podcast, that plays a bit of devil's advocate with the master of your own destiny concept: what's even the point and why should you strive to master your own fate?


Master Your Destiny: A Practical Guide to Rewrite Your Story and Become the Person You Want to Be:

The Complete Guide to Total Transformation: Be the Hero of Your Own Life Story, Fulfill Your Purpose, Master Your Destiny:

As a Man Thinketh - a revolutionary book on the power of thought:
We hope you find those resources interesting and helpful, and invite you to share your thoughts on our Facebook page. As always, we’re here for you and look forward to connecting with you. Get in touch with us at 1.800.663.3536 or


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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024