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Educator of the Month - Joan Wheeler

Educator of the Month - Joan Wheeler

We're excited to share the first Educator of the Month in 2018 with you - Joan Wheeler. Here's how she answered our questions (hint: we love her approach to education!)

Mrs. Wheeler, we're thrilled to have you as educator of the month! Let's get started! Where are you from?

I'm originally from the West Kootenays but I graduated from Merritt Secondary, and then came back to Merritt from Telkwa BC.

How long have you been a teacher at SCIDES? 

This is my 26th year here - I started in 1992 when the school was in its beginning stages (SCIDES opened in 1990).

Wow, how exciting to have seen all the changes over the years! Why did you become a teacher? 

I have always enjoyed sharing what I know and my excitement for learning.  

That's a great reason! What’s your favourite aspect of being a teacher? 

I love helping people move on to the next steps in their lives and to support them as they experience the power of learning.

What’s your least favourite aspect of being a teacher? 

Not having enough resources to fully meet students’ needs and to offer them opportunities to explore.

That's understandable - luckily, SCIDES has some great electives for exploring! What’s your best advice for a student who wants to figure out their career path and calling? 

First, decide what you don’t want to do. Think about why that is - then look at what you might like to do. Don’t worry about what to do with the rest of your life, just where you are putting your next step. Enjoy and learn from every experience. 

Fantastic advice! What’s your favourite book and why? 

I fully enjoy every book I read - they are all my favourites for different reasons.

That's a great way to approach reading. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?   

A poem I read when I was very young.

Emily Dickinson:  

If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life the aching,

Or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin

Unto his nest again,

I shall not live in vain.

Beautiful. What do you still want to learn? 


We love your enthusiasm! Last question: When you’re not busy helping your students and marking assignments, what do you enjoy doing?  

I volunteer with the Nicola Valley Health Care Auxiliary and I am on the board of directors for the Nicola Valley Health Care Endowment Foundation. I also enjoy reading, gardening, being a member of the Naturalist Society,  fishing, camping, and more!

Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler, for taking the time! 

Do you have questions about how we can help you take charge of your education? Connect with us via our website, where you can also browse course and program options, and find study tips for elementary and secondary students.



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