The best way to study is.... 

completely dependent on what works best for you! No, there is no secret magic formula - it really depends on what works best for you. Of course we have a few tips and tricks to inspire you, and we encourage you to try them all; then pick the ones that work best for you and stick to them! And of course we'd love to hear about what works for you... here we go:

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Once you're set your schedule and you're ready to tackle your course work, you should create the ideal work space for yourself - just another piece of the puzzle for your learning success!

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Getting organized and setting a schedule for yourself is an important part of your distance learning success. In this blog, we have a few tips that might help you with that! Of course you can always contact us at SCIDES if you need any help with getting organized.

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At SCIDES, we're committed to giving you all the help and support you need to succeed. You can graduate! You can have the education you want! You can work at your own pace! Maybe you could even do it alone - but there is really no need. There is a great network in place - and it starts with YOU! If you are willing to learn, your education experience can be truly successful and interesting. Today, we want to talk a bit about who can help you with what - of course you can contact us anytime for more information! 

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A new year has begun and we think it's the perfect time to set some educational goals - and of course we're here to help you stay on track!

We all know how it goes with resolutions, right? Within a few weeks of enthusiastically plunging into the new year, determined to make it this time, four out of five people get so stressed out about sticking to their plan that giving up seems to be the best option. 

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