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The best way to study is...

The best way to study is...

The best way to study is.... 

completely dependent on what works best for you! No, there is no secret magic formula - it really depends on what works best for you. Of course we have a few tips and tricks to inspire you, and we encourage you to try them all; then pick the ones that work best for you and stick to them! And of course we'd love to hear about what works for you... here we go:

  • For some people it works best to start studying right after they learned about the subject in the first place, when it's still fresh in their memory
  • A good way to get started on studying, is to write down a condensed version of the entire course - a summary of all important ideas and major points
  • Move from general to detail - all the big ideas and concepts first, then the nitty gritty
  • Even if you write a condensed version down for studying, you should have all the info available - make sure you have your notes, textbooks and handouts close by, so you can always double-check on a fact or answer any questions you may have
  • Did you know that your mind retains things studied at the beginning and at the end of a study session best - and not so much the middle part? That's a good reason to take frequent breaks, as opposed to monster study sessions
  • Make a schedule - when you start a course, you should make a schedule and have a plan for completion. So you'll know right from the beginning, when you should start studying for midterms and exams - and we can tell you from experience that "last minute" is not a good plan :) Studying only the night before an exam won't give the information enough time to make it into your long-term memory - and your short-term memory might leave you drawing blanks!
  • Understanding the material is much better than just memorizing - if you truly "know" the material, remembering it will be easy! Of course our teachers and tutors are always happy to help you with that!
  • Some people study better in groups - but that's something we only recommend if you have a group of people, who are all equally serious about studying (and are ideally working on the same subject)
  • It's important that you feel comfortable in your study space. And while your bed probably qualifies as comfortable, it's not an ideal place. Find a place with a comfortable chair, good lighting, and fresh air
  • Listen to your inner clock. If you are an early riser, then an early morning study session might work best for you; if you are a night owl, you might be better off studying in the evening

Of course you can always contact us at SCIDES if you're stuck and need some tips! We're happy to help, and we want you to succeed! 





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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025