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Educator of the Month - Liz Moore

Educator of the Month - Liz Moore

We're excited to share the next Educator of the Month with you - Liz Moore. Here's how she answered our questions (hint: we love her wit and spirit!)

Mrs. Moore, we're thrilled to have you as our Educator of the Month for February. We look forward to finding out more about you! Please introduce yourself.

My name is Liz Moore, and I have lived in Merritt for nearly twenty years. Before that, I lived in the Eastern and Midwest United States, where I attended high school and university. However, my childhood was spent in BC, and this is where I dreamed of returning. A teaching job brought me back, and I am very glad it did. 

We're glad to have you here as well! How long have you been a teacher at SCIDES?

I began working at SCIDES ten years ago, in the Grade 8/9 and special education departments. I took over the senior English courses in 2010, and I'm very happy I get to be immersed in writing and literature all day. 

Why did you become a teacher?

I feel like my best work makes a difference in my students' futures. My goal is to not only train students to be powerful communicators, but to try to let them know that I see their humanity and root for their success.

That's very empowering for your students! What's your favourite aspect of being a teacher?

My best days include moments when my students understand that I am on their side, and we work together to get them to our mutual goal of their success - as writers, scholars, and citizens. 

We all know that there's also a downside to everything. What's your least favourite aspect of being a teacher?

I proofread so much, it boggles the mind. I enjoy it, to a degree; but I feel like I will be circling sentence fragments in my sleep when I'm ninety. (My nightmare, by the way, is that I've made a mistake in this interview, and didn't catch it.)

We did not catch any mistakes, your grammar is impeccable! What's your best advice for students who want to figure out their career path and calling?

I would ask those students what they enjoy most, what they think about as soon as they wake up, what activity makes them blink and realize hours have passed, and what gives them a sense that they are contributing to the world. I would encourage them to talk to as many people as possible with insight into preparing for a career in that field. 

That's fantastic advice! As an English teacher, you have to have a favourite book or two. Will you share your favourite with us?

Asking an English teacher to choose one book is like asking which limb she'd prefer to keep. I would like to keep lots of them, please! I do enjoy cleverly-written modern fiction that creates strong connections between the reader and the characters. I remember thinking one time that it had been awhile since I'd connected with some dear friends, only to realize with a jolt that those "friends" were characters in a novel. That was a little embarrassing, but a credit to the author. My two favourite recent novels are Station Eleven, by Emily St. John Mandel (a Canadian writer), and The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield. They are both books that have stayed with me long after I closed the last chapter. If you want to have a much longer interview, I can happily talk about books until next Tuesday. 

We will stick with those two books for now, but we might take you up on a longer interview about books. Maybe to compile a summer reading challenge for our students? But for now, let's move on to the next question: What's the best advice you've ever received?

I can be quite linear and rigid in my thinking. My husband has told me that life is fluid by nature, and I need to be able to make adjustments accordingly. That's tough advice, but necessary. 

Nobody likes tough advice, but there's usually a positive aspect to it. What do you still want to learn?

I should probably say that I'd like to learn something adventurous or sporty. Realistically, though, I would love to take more academic courses in literary analysis. 

Literary analysis could be adventurous as well, yes? When you're not busy helping your students and marking assignments, what do you enjoy doing?

My husband and daughter and I like to take fun day trips. My husband knows a million hidden gems in tiny towns and back roads all over BC. We enjoy jumping into the car, and spending the day browsing out-of-the-way shops and museums and scenic mountain passes. They are very easy people to travel with, and this province is extraordinary.   

We are indeed lucky to call BC our home. Thanks so much for taking the time, and for your insights, Mrs. Moore!

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