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Meet Our Team - Joyce Bain

Meet Our Team - Joyce Bain

Over the summer we are introducing our support staff to you, a vital part of the SCIDES team we could not work without. We're so grateful for our support staff, and Joyce Bain is up next. Joyce has been a part of the SCIDES secretarial team for a very long time.

Thanks for taking the time, Joyce. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?

My name is Joyce Bain. I've lived in Merritt for a reeeeeeeeally long time. Years and years and years.

How long have you been part of the team at SCIDES and what is your job here?

Again, a reeeeeeeally long time as part of the secretarial group. I don’t want to say the exact amount!

What’s your favourite aspect of being part of the SCIDES team?

Meeting some great people over the years.

What’s your least favourite aspect of being part of the SCIDES team? 

Not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished.

What’s your best advice for students who want to figure out their career path and calling? 

Keep your options open and don’t narrow your choices.

What’s your favourite book and why? 

Probably Pride and Prejudice because it is such a great commentary on that period. But really, anything written by Jane Austen or PG Wodehouse.  

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Nothing specific – any advice must be good though, as a lot of people want to offer it, ha! Sift through it and apply what works best in your life. 

What do you still want to learn? 

Spanish – pickle ball – better golf – oil painting.

When you’re not busy supporting students and teachers at SCIDES, what do you enjoy doing? 

Many things but some of my favourites are: time spent with friends, reading, my dogs and the sport of canine agility, camping, drawing, cooking and finding new recipes, crossword puzzles and sudoku, curling, and nice long walks. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, Joyce! We're so glad to have you on the SCIDES team. And we love your advice about advice, ha!

If you would like to find out more about SCIDES and the programs we offer, connect with us on social media, or get in touch



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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024