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November is Sports Month at SCIDES!

November is Sports Month at SCIDES!


November is Sports Month at SCIDES, and we want you to get active and celebrate sport in your community!

Sports and play are important for kids and adults alike, and we'll introduce a few amazing programs and opportunities to help you get more active this month.


Kidsport BC

Going strong for over 20 years now, Kidsport BC has helped many families with getting their kids involved in organized sports. Their mission is to remove the financial barriers that prevent some children from playing organized sport, so all kids can play - and there are many community-based chapters available across BC. You can check right here if your area already has a local chapter - if not, you can still apply for funding! 


Jumpstart is another wide-spread program to help get kids started in organized sports. It's available in all communities with a Canadian tire store (and for communities without a store, the closest Canadian Tire will look after you!), and the program aims to enrich kids' lives through sports and physical activity. You can read all about their application process here

DPA Tracker from LearnNowBC

LearnNowBC (which is a great resource for students in general!) offers an online DPA tracker. Tracking DPA (=daily physical activity) is a graduation requirement, and part of the Grade 12 course Grad Transitions. Contact SCIDES teacher Liana Tilt ( to get online access, and don't worry about paper DPA logs anymore!


PacificSport Interior BC offers athlete support, coach development and community services based on the principles of the Canadian Sport for Life model. For our local students, the Merritt Civic Centre offers courses from PacificSports. Josee Warren runs the program here, and can be contacted at You can also view the 2015 Fall Leisure Guide online


At SCIDES, we also have a few events and activities planned for Sports Month, and of course we'd love for you to participate. 

We will be offering local events (dates to be announced), with guest speakers, First Nations game demonstrations, and hopefully even an archery demonstration - stay tuned for more info coming via our Social Media channels!

Then, we'll observe Jersey Day on Friday, November 20th. You can participate whether you're located in Merritt or not - just send a picture of you in your jersey to your homeroom teacher; we're looking forward to seeing all the pictures, and of course we will be posting our pictures on Facebook

Finally, we encourage you to get active on Saturday, November 21st, for Sports Day in Canada. You can find more information, and what's going on in your community on this website - let's go out and get moving! 


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