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Is online learning the right choice for your child?

Is online learning the right choice for your child?

Parents play a big role in their children's education - especially with online learning for grades K-9. So how do you know if learning at home / at a distance is the right choice for your child?

Here's what we think:


First of all, we should mention that online courses require the same amount of time as courses in traditional brick & mortar schools. There are no shortcuts in education and it's important that the whole curriculum is covered - of course our students have the huge advantage of being able to choose their own learning path and have the freedom to cover the curriculum with topics that interest and inspire them!

Some qualities a successful SCIDES student should possess are:

  • self-discipline and dedication - with an absence of face-to-face interaction and mandatory physical attendance in a classroom, it's important that online students have a desire to succeed.

  • self-motivation - students need to stay on top of their studies and be motivated to do well on quizzes and tests.

  • time-management skills - while students have the freedom to set their own schedule, they still need to keep up with class reading materials and occasionally hand in assignments.

  • curiosity and risk-taking - of course we're not talking about physical risks that could harm your child, but about being curious and willing to try something that might be unfamiliar to them or that their friends are doing different.

The possibilities with e-learning are almost limitless and each and every student has the opportunity to find his or her passion along the way!

Especially with younger, elementary-aged children it's not always easy to know if they already possess some of those qualities - but if you feel that those qualities are in line with your family values, there is a good chance that online learning is a great fit for your child. Self-discipline, motivation, time management and curiosity will not only help your child succeed in online learning, but also later in life.

Connect with us on Facebook or contact us for more information - we're here to help your child succeed!




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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025