Are you thinking about taking charge of your child's education with online and distributed learning? Do you want to take advantage of having a flexible schedule and individual support?
The answer seems simple - of course! But what about socialization??? How can you make sure your child will develop healthy relationships with other people, and not just with the internet?
Here are a few tips from one of our home schooling parents...
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Last week we talked about the difference between Distributed Learning and Homeschooling. Especially for parents of elementary-aged children, e-learning or distributed learning means a considerable commitment in time and energy for their kids' education.
We don't want to tell you it's easy-peasy - but we're here to tell you that you are not alone and that the dedicated staff at SCIDES is here to help your kids succeed and to support you as well.
Let's start with 5 things that will make the life of a distance ed parent easier...