November is here and while some people are starting to feel festive about the approaching holiday season, others are feeling anxious about the exact same thing. Of course, anxiety is not something that just affects people during the holiday season. It is something that many people - including a lot of school-aged kids and teen - live with all year long. There is help available, and we've compiled a list of resources we want to share with you.
Before you know it, summer will be over (we know, unfair!), and it’s back to school.
If your kids are enrolled at SCIDES, you’ll have a lot more flexibility in the new school year to adapt your children’s education to your family’s needs. Doing school at home is especially rewarding and challenging in grades K-9; while you can always count on the support from the team at SCIDES, we also want to share studying tips that work well for younger kids, so you’re off to the best possible start for the 2016/2017 school year.
Parents want a quality education for their children, and starting off on the right foot during the elementary years can often set a path to success. With the busy lives most families are living nowadays, a distance education is often a great option; not only because of the flexible schedule, but also because individual and educational needs of each students are met.
Can you believe it's April already?! Time sure flies when you're having fun - and we are having fun! We want to share some updates with you today, and we'd love to hear what you think about it; of course we hope to have your support. You can leave a comment below, or connect with us on our Facebook page. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Are you thinking about taking charge of your child's education with online and distributed learning? Do you want to take advantage of having a flexible schedule and individual support?
The answer seems simple - of course! But what about socialization??? How can you make sure your child will develop healthy relationships with other people, and not just with the internet?
Here are a few tips from one of our home schooling parents...
Last week we talked about the difference between Distributed Learning and Homeschooling. Especially for parents of elementary-aged children, e-learning or distributed learning means a considerable commitment in time and energy for their kids' education.
We don't want to tell you it's easy-peasy - but we're here to tell you that you are not alone and that the dedicated staff at SCIDES is here to help your kids succeed and to support you as well.
Let's start with 5 things that will make the life of a distance ed parent easier...