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Announcing: exciting news for the 2015/2016 school year!

Announcing: exciting news for the 2015/2016 school year!


The team at SCIDES has been working hard to put together a fantastic lineup of activities for the 2015/2016 school year, and of course we want to tell you all about it! 

Starting in September, we'll have themes for each month - here's what you can look forward to:


September: Geography

October: Science

November: Museum Month

December: Christmas and Holidays

January: Art

February: Sports

March: Reading Month

April: Math

May and June: Fun!


How does that sound? Awesome, right? We can't wait to get started! 

We will kick off the year with a Distance Ed Orientation Session, to let you know what it takes to be successful with learning at home. If you don't have a chance to attend this session - don't worry! We'll record it and send it out to you!

For each month, we have online sessions planned, as well as an online meeting with an expert in the field (look forward to a meeting with an author during Reading Month!). 

But there's more! We also have some great outings planned, like a visit to the Sagebrush Theatre in Kamloops, as well as a workshop at 4Cats Art Studio in Kamloops! We'll also have a print-making session at SCIDES and since we're making "fun" the theme for May and June, you can look forward to a visit of the Aquavan from the Vancouver Aquarium, and a visit to the Wildlife Park in Kamloops. 

Exciting, right!?! We are looking forward to making 2015/2016 our best year yet, with lots of learning, support, and fun for students and parents. 

Questions? You can contact us, or connect with us on social media



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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025