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We hope you had a fantastic Spring Break! We're thrilled to share our next educator of the month with you, Mrs. Cathy Southwell.

Mrs. Southwell, thank you for taking the time. Let's get started! Where are you from?

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How was your Spring Break? We hope it was fantastic and you had a chance to relax and explore. Maybe one of the things you explored was your potential career path, and in case you haven’t read it yet, we encourage you to check out our last blog post about a possible career in trades.

This month, we celebrate Science Month at SCIDES.

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March was Math Month at SCIDES, and we hope you had your slice of Pi! Just in case you missed it, here's something you should not miss: The "Lose Yourself in the Digits" Pi Day video, performed by Pi Diddy.

Now we're moving on to Earth Sciences, and we're talking about Earth Day, Geocaching, and Earth Sciences at SCIDES in this blog post - we know, it's exciting! 

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October is Science month at SCIDES and the Kengard Learning Center! We'll be celebrating, challenging, learning, and having fun with Science all month long. Check out what we have lined up for you...

If you're enrolled with SCIDES full time (meaning SCIDES is your school of record), then you're in for a real treat: you will get access to BrainPOP! BrainPOP is an online platform that engages students through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more. There are two versions available, one suitable for Grades K - 3 (Junior BrainPOP) and one for Grades 4 - 10 (BrainPOP). 

BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing - watch your inbox for the login code. We'll get it out to you soon!

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